Kata.ai Collaborate with Facebook, BNPB, and Gugus Tugas COVID-19

Kata.ai Collaborate with Facebook, BNPB, and Gugus Tugas COVID-19

Product Update
Lia Lestari on 21 May 2020

The corona virus outbreak occurred in our modern, highly connected, and information-dense world. Yet, dissemination of accurate information about this pandemic remains a challenge. In an attempt to slow the rapid spread of Coronavirus, Kata.ai in partnership with Facebook, BNPB, and Gugus Tugas COVID-19 to release a virtual assistant named COVID Bot. This virtual assistant is designed to assess needs, tackle misinformation, and help people with accurate and reliable health information about the pandemic through Facebook Messenger. 


You can access COVID Bot on BNPB Facebook Messenger. This bot will provide you with verified information regarding the latest data of Coronavirus cases in Indonesia, FAQs about Coronavirus, referral hospital, and COVID-19 hotline. You can also do a self-check through this virtual assistant to test whether you have Coronavirus symptoms or not. 




COVID bot information by Kata.ai




Why is information about COVID-19 is important? Because when our lives are at risk, we must have 24/7 access to transparent, correct, and helpful information. This virtual assistant can dispel rumors, share facts, and let us know exactly how to protect ourselves and stop the spread of Coronavirus. We believe a COVID Bot is another way to empower our society through a digital solution in these uncertain times. So we can stay informed while under physical distancing. In addition to that, the information is all in one place on Facebook Messenger, so it is easy to access through mobile devices. 


Besides a partnership with Facebook, BNPB, and Gugus Tugas COVID-19 to release COVID Bot, last month, Kata.ai also ran a campaign to support businesses in Indonesia amid this pandemic crisis. We offered a special promotion that aims to enable enterprises to launch a self-service FAQ on their chat apps or website. Help their teams serve customers better, whether they work from the office or home, and reduce the volume of calls to the contact center. Because we know, in time like this, enterprises need to ensure the safety of both employees and customers, which is why the ability to respond to questions quickly is also critical. 


We hope this pandemic and crisis times will end soon. Let’s all stay at home, stay safe, and focus on new ways to come together digitally until this storm has passed. 


To access COVID Bot, you can click the link below:  


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